Visualization to Reach Your Goals
What we focus on becomes our reality. True change comes starts with our mind and how we see things.
I truly believe (and there is so much research to back this as well!) that what we think about and what we visualize for our lives, will become our reality. It may come about in a different way than we think, but if we consistently feed our minds something, that will be our reality sooner or later.
Being stuck in a certain way of thinking and seeing life, can also keep us stuck in the same old habits and the same old ways of living. So, if we wish for something different for ourselves, we have to make the conscious effort to create a new train of thought and see things through a different lens. For example, if we continually tell ourselves that we don’t have time in our day to workout or cook healthy meals, we likely won’t ever find the time. But, if we decide that we WILL find the time, start strategizing where we can free up space in our day and make the decision that it’s a priority in our lives, everything will change.
What would your ideal like look like?
What would your ideal body feel like?
What would your healthiest mind think like?
What would your happiest, best self act, think, talk, sleep, move like?
Maybe your answers to all of these things seem so far away, and that’s ok! But, the first step is truly believing you can have it and envisioning it so much so, being so focused on making it your actual reality, that there’s no other option.
It’s the little things every single day, starting with our thoughts and then overflowing into the tiny daily actions, that will get us there.
Not a morning person but that’s the only time you’re able to fit in a workout?
Create the inner dialogue that you ARE a morning person. Visualize what your morning routine looks like, see yourself getting up, getting it done and feeling awesome.
Struggle with a sugar or junk food addiction? Or maybe just getting outside or your norm and eating to nourish your body instead of feeding it whatever is easy?
Start re-writing your story around food. Tell yourself you are someone who eats clean, who eats healthy. See yourself as that girl who eats well and fuels her body!
Start with one meal or even one food and focus so much on eating well, that’s that’s just who you are and what you do.
Create Space to Visualize. Go for a walk, sit in a quiet space. Whatever works for you, create time and space that allows you to truly visualize what it is you want, what that feels like and what it will take to get there.
Write it down. Writing down what you want is so powerful. It can bring your vision to life.
Make a plan. Decide what small actions you can take as first steps to start to bring your vision to reality.
Get accountable. Don’t keep your visions or plans to yourself, confide in a coach or someone you trust and know will hold you to it.
Keep the Vision alive. Make time everyday to visualize what you want, keep it fresh in your mind and make sure you’re aligning your actions with what it takes to get there! Whatever you do, don’t lose sight of it!
I love taking 5 quick minutes in the morning to close my eyes, envision what I want in the big picture, in my day, in the next hour. This habit is quick, easy and so, so effective!
This is your sign to get clear on your vision & let your dream life unfold!